Why you should only use a CPC

CPCs have the support and backing of the only professional body representing the conveyancing profession in NSW, the Australian Institute of Conveyancers NSW Division. The AIC, in representing conveyancers, is focused on one aspect of law, conveyancing, and as a member all CPCs are provided with up to date information and the support needed to act competently and professionally in that one aspect of law. Take advantage of the professional service and expertise offered to you by your CPC knowing that you are in the safe hands of an expert conveyancer.

When selling property you will require a contract prepared.  A CPC will obtain all the mandatory documents that need to be attached to a contract eg. a council zoning certificate, a copy of the title and other title documents, deposited or strata plan, sewer diagram and any other documents that may be required for your particular transaction.

Your CPC will draft any special clauses that may be required for your contract and that may be required to disclose particular matters for your sale.

When buying a property a CPC will explain the contract to you, organise any property inspections, discuss your financial position and negotiate with the seller’s conveyancer on any special needs such as extended settlement period, amount of deposit or possession amongst other things. Liaison with your lender on finance approval is also an important function.

Once contracts have been exchanged, a CPC will take all the necessary steps to settle the matter and arrange payout or funding of mortgages.

At all times a CPC will advise you on various options and act to protect your interests.